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SPY's Newsletter 3/13/2022

Writer's picture: Christina GrosshansChristina Grosshans

SPY’s Community Newsletter #183


Car Show Returning To The

Farmer’s Picnic

The Farmer’s Picnic Car Show car show is back! It’s going to be better; be longer; have more prizes; and just plain more fun! The details are on the flyer below. If you want more information please contact Paul Campbell at 517-204-6066.

Euchre Tournament Is This Saturday Night!

Yup, that’s right. The fabulous SPY’s Euchre Tournament returns this Saturday, March 19th. There is still time to register. Just call Beth Shettler at 517-231-2192 to get the details and let her know you would like to participate. This event is open to everyone. Don’t have a partner---we’ll try and fix you up.


· Kerry & Reginna Haynor made a contribution in memory of Jeannine Rogers

· We received notification and a donation through rebates generated by people who shopped through the Amazon Smile program and designated the SPY’s.

Texas Hold ‘Em Fundraiser is

Coming Up Soon!

The next Texas Hold ‘Em we are scheduled to work will take place Wednesday, April 27th thru Saturday, April 30th. We will soon be signing up volunteers.

Interesting Ag News Item

The total number of farms in Michigan dropped to 46,000 in 2021 — a loss of 500 farmsaccording to recently released data from USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Land in farms was 9.7 million acres in Michigan — down 100,000 acres from last year — while the average size farm in Michigan was 211 acres, unchanged from 2020. Michigan’s loss accounts for 7% of the total drop in U.S. farms, which totaled 6,950 last year. The total land in U.S. farms decreased by 1.3 million acres — now standing at 895,300,000.

Parting Comments

· Deep Thought of the Week: Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

· Notable Quote: “It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.”― Andre Gide

· That’s Puny Department: Police have confirmed that the man who tragically fell from the roof of an 18th floor Nightclub was not a bouncer.

· Did You Know Section: Paper money wasn’t issued in the United States until 1862. The denominations were $5 (Hamilton); $10 (Lincoln); and $20 (Liberty).


1. If there is any organization or business out there that has something they would like to advertise or promote, please feel free to submit it to this Newsletter and we will help publicize it. There is no charge. We are glad to provide this means as a public service to help keep the community informed.

2. If you are looking for further information about the SPY’s events---Corporate or Platinum Sponsorship information---

scholarship forms---youth sports reimbursement forms---past SPY newsletters---etc.---just go to the SPY website at

3. NOTE: If you know of anyone who would like to receive these SPY’s Newsletters, just send me an email at with their email address and we will add them to the distribution list.


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